Brewing & Direct Sales

If you need larger quantities of fruit for fresh eating, brewing or processing, EFC can have your order filled and waiting. The earlier you place your order the more likely it is to get filled. New varieties are continually ripening and the older fruit won’t last long. We would like to have no more than 2 days between when the fruit gets picked until it leaves the farm.

1. It is easiest to transport cherries by a stackable bin which is 4′ x 4′ x 16″ tall and contains appx 375 – 400 lbs of cherries. A bin will generally fit between the wheelwells of a full sized pickup.

2. Orders will be weighed on commercially certified scales on site then loaded into your vehicle with a forklift.

3. You can choose to have your cherries picked with or without stems.

4. As a general rule, when a variety first ripens it is prettier and ships better. The longer the fruit hangs on the tree though the more a rich flavor develops but it looses some aesthetic value.

5. Just let us know your intended use and we will help you find the variety and maturity that should work best for you.

6. Many varieties are great for fresh eating but for processing you’ll want them very ripe and the following are some of the best.:

Bing – Traditional and still one of the best for complexity of flavor

Regina – Ripens later in the season but still has a good balance of acid/sweetness like Bing.

Montmorency – Tart Cherry available mid July

Ranier – The best flavor complexity of the  yellow cherries but typically not used for processing.

Lapins, Skeena, and other varieties are large fruit and make good fresh eating.

Please place order through the email in the contact info link. We will respond  as soon as possible to confirm.